Get Stronger in 30 Minutes a Week


    Some body builders lift weights for more than six hours a day, but you don’t have to spend that much time to become very strong. Training for weight lifting is done in sets. A set of ten means that you lift and lower a heavy weight ten times continuously before you rest. If you repeat these sets of ten three times with a rest period between each set, you have done three sets of ten.

    Most competitive bodybuilders spend hours trying to do many sets over and over again. You don’t need to do that. Various studies show that you can gain up to 80 percent of your maximum strength by picking out four to eight specific lifts, lifting one set of ten of the heaviest weight in each, and repeating your program two or three times a week. The reduced workload causes fewer injuries and leaves you with a lot of extra time to do other things.

    Lifting weights enlarges your muscles and makes you stronger, but it does not make you fit. Fitness refers to your heart and is gained by exercising in an activity where you move continuously, such as running, cycling, skating, dancing, walking or swimming. A complete exercise program should include lifting weights twice a week and doing a continuous sport at least three times a week. Alternating your activities gives your muscles a chance to recover and helps to prevent injuries.
    Resistance Exercise You Can Do At Home
    Strength Training Guidelines
    Weight lifting for middle-age and beyond

    Checked 4/15/23