Saturday, March 15, 2025
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Breast Cancer Survival Improves with Healthful Lifestyles

Almost 25 percent of women diagnosed with breast cancer will eventually die of that disease. Breast cancer patients who received a weekly telephone call recommending healthful lifestyles had a 35 percent greater two-year survival rate than women who were told of the benefits of a healthy lifestyle in preventing recurrences of breast cancer, but were not called weekly; and a 50 percent higher two-year survival rate than breast cancer patients who were not informed of the benefits of a healthful lifestyle.

Ovarian Cancer and Talcum Powder

On August 21, 2017, a Los Angeles jury ordered Johnson & Johnson to pay $417 million to a woman who claimed that talcum in J&J's baby powder caused her ovarian cancer. This is the largest jury award so far in the more than 1,200 lawsuits filed against J&J, alleging that the company knew about cancer risks but did not warn consumers.

Most Urinary Symptoms are Caused by Infections

The vast majority of women who have burning on urination, frequency and urgency have urinary tract infections, even if their cultures do not grow any germs.

Nightly Fasting Reduces Risk of Breast Cancer Recurrence

New results from the WHEL (Women’s Healthy Eating and Living) Study show that women who did not eat for at least 13 hours at night (6PM to 7AM) had a 36 percent lower risk of cancer recurrence. In a seven-year follow up of 2,413 breast cancer patients, ages 24 to 70, who did not have diabetes, 390 developed a recurrence of their breast cancer. Among those cases, the women whose last meal of the day was no later than 6PM had lower blood levels of hemoglobin A1C.

Ductal Carcinoma in Situ (DCIS)

Ductal Carcinoma In Situ (DCIS) is a non-invasive cancer in the end ducts of the breast. Each year 64,000 American women are diagnosed with DCIS, amounting to 30 percent of women diagnosed with breast cancer. Almost always it shows up as tiny calcium spots on a mammogram in women with no lumps and no symptoms. It is not an immediately life-threatening cancer, and some experts question whether it should be called a cancer.

Breast Cancer and Diet

Breast cancer is the most common cancer in women, and its incidence has increased by more than 20 percent worldwide since 2008. A study from Spain shows that women on a high-vegetable Mediterranean-type diet had close to one third the rate of breast cancer when compared to a control group that was only given advice to reduce fat intake.


Women pay millions of dollars for products that are supposed to get rid of cellulite, but there is no such thing as cellulite. The fat on a woman's hips and thighs is the same as the fat anywhere else. She has skin on the outside, fat in the middle and muscles and fascia underneath the fat.

Early Breast Cancers May Be Over-Treated

Each year more than 60,000 women in the United States are diagnosed with a type of early breast cancer called Ductal Carcinoma In Situ...

Dry Skin

Dry skin means lack of water, not lack of oil. Skin creams function by creating a temporary barrier on your skin that seals in water. All lotions and creams work the same way, no matter how much they cost or what special ingredients they claim to contain.

Why Women are More Likely Than Men to Develop Autoimmune Diseases

Women are three times more likely than men to develop lupus, multiple sclerosis, or rheumatoid arthritis, currently thought to be autoimmune diseases that are caused by a person's immunity attacking her own body, instead of doing its job of killing germs. This increased risk may be caused in some way by the process of pregnancy, or it may be due to the fact that women are twice as likely as men to become infected with a sexually transmitted disease.

Irregular Periods – Amenorrhea

Women who menstruate more often than every 21 days or less often than every 35 days need to be evaluated for a cause. Women are supposed to have two hormones, estrogen and progesterone.

Yeast Infections

When a woman develops a white discharge and vaginal itching, her doctor often diagnoses yeast infection, even though he may be wrong because every healthy woman has yeast in her vagina and cultures of the vagina almost always grow yeast, even in women who have no symptoms at all.

E. Coli Syndrome in Women

If you are a woman who suddenly develops burning on urination, have to urinate frequently and feel terrible discomfort when your bladder is full, or have urgency to urinate whenever your bladder is full, check with your doctor. You could have a bladder or a vaginal infection.

What is the best way to treat recurrent bladder infections?

When I was in medical school more than 45 years ago, I learned that E. Coli, a common intestinal bacteria, causes recurrent urinary tract...

How can I prevent wrinkles?

Unfortunately, there may not be much you can do; a study from Denmark shows that skin wrinkling and aging are influenced heavily by genetic factors.

Smoking Increases Cervical Cancer Risk

Cervical cancer is a venereal disease caused by the human papilloma virus called HPV. Nineteen different strains of HPV have been associated with cervical...