Home Fitness Plantar Fasciitis

Plantar Fasciitis

Plantar Fasciitis

One of the most common injuries in tennis and jogging is plantar fasciitis, pain on the bottom of the heel. A band of tissue called the plantar fascia extends from your five toes, along the bottom of your foot to attach on the bottom of your heel. When you run, you land on your heel and raise yourself on your toes as you shift your weight to your other foot, causing all your weight to be held up by your plantar fascia. This repetitive force can tear the fascia from its attachment on your heel.

Several factors increase force on the fascia, such as shoes that have stiff soles that do not bend in the right place just behind the ball of your big toe, shoes that are too wide for your feet, running too fast for the present strength of your plantar fascia, or not allowing enough time to recover between fast workouts. It can also be caused by:

• wearing high heels, loafers or flats without support
• gaining weight
• increased walking, standing, or stair-climbing
• starting a new exercise program too quickly
• tight heel cords or abnormally high or low arches

Plantar fasciitis can also be the first site of pain for arthritis. Doctors have no medications that help to heal the plantar fascia. Cortisone injections and aspirin-like pills can reduce pain, but they may also delay healing.

If you have plantar fasciitis, stop running and limit walking until you can run without feeling pain. Since you pedal with your knees and hips and place little force on your fascia, you can usually pedal a bicycle without feeling pain. Use shoes that have flexible soles. Wear arch supports that limit the rolling in motion of your feet, stretch your calf muscles and wear night splints. Surgery to cut the plantar, called fasciotomy, is usually effective but rarely needs to be performed, as fasciitis usually resolves with conservative care.

Some podiatrists now offer an excellent non-surgical treatment for plantar fasciitis that does not respond to the conventional treatments. The Food and Drug Administration has approved an EPAT shockwave machine that has been shown to cure persistent plantar fasciitis. If your heel pain has not been cured by other treatments, check with a podiatrist to see whether shockwave treatment may be for you. More on plantar fasciitis

Contributed by Gene Mirkin, DPM

Checked 4/12/23