Premature Ejaculation


Premature ejaculation means that a man doesn’t last as long as he wants to, regardless of time or strokes.  Ninety percent of teenage boys suffer from this condition, while 90 percent of men over the age of 55 suffer from delayed ejaculation.

A study from the Netherlands shows that 20 mg of Paxil one to four hours before the event may be the most effective treatment (1).  Psychiatrists noted that many depressed men refused to take their medications because it prevented them from reaching a climax, so they gave antidepressants such as Anafranil, Paxil, Prozac and Zoloft to premature ejaculators and made them very happy (5,8).   Doctors used to treat premature ejaculation with the Masters & Johnson regimen of alternating stimulation and squeeze/rest, but it doesn’t work, nor do anaesthetic ointments inserted into the urinary tube (2).

A study from the University of Koln in Germany showed that premature ejaculation is in the eye of the beholder (1a). Men who came to a urology clinic with a chief complaint of premature ejaculation had the same time to ejaculation as normal men who had no such complaint.  All of the men in the study were married for at least two years and made love regularly. They were asked to use a stop watch to measure their time to ejaculation and to keep diaries. The premature ejaculators went from start of intercourse to ejaculation in an average period of 2:32 minutes. The healthy volunteers had an average time of 3:01 minutes. The differences were not statistically significant.

This study showed that premature ejaculation is not defined by how many strokes or how much time it takes to ejaculate. It is defined by whether a person is satisfied with his time to climax. 20 mg of the antidepressant drug Paxil, taken one hour before lovemaking, can delay ejaculation to more than eight minutes, but it still won’t help most premature ejaculators because their early finish is not the problem. This study shows that premature ejaculators have a terrible misunderstanding of human physiology. They think that they are inadequate because their female partners do not come to climax with conventional penile-vaginal lovemaking.

Most women do not climax from conventional lovemaking. Many young girls can climax quickly, but as most women age, they can climax only when the clitoris is stimulated. Perhaps premature ejaculation should be defined as occurring primarily in men who do not understand female anatomy, and the treatment for most cases of premature ejaculation should be for a woman to explain her own physiology to him and tell how what to do.

1) Antidepressants and ejaculation: A double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled, fixed-dose study with paroxetine, sertraline, and nefazodone. Journal of Clinical Psychopharmacology, 2001, Vol 21, Iss 3, pp 293-297. MD Waldinger, AH Zwinderman, B Olivier.

1a) Premature ejaculation – A study of average ejaculation time and overview of the literature. Aktuelle Urologie, 2001, Vol 32, Iss 7, pp 435-438. N Kreutzer, F Sommer, T Klotz, U Engelmann. Sommer F, Klinikum Univ Koln, Oberarzt Klin & Poliklin Urol, Joseph Stelzmann Str 9, D-50931 Cologne, Germany.

2) Berkovitch, AG Keresteci, G Koren. Efficacy of prilocaine-lidocaine cream in the treatment of premature ejaculation. Journal of Urology 154: 4 (OCT 1995):1360-1361.

3) Journal of Sex and Marital Therapy 1994 (Winter);20:321.

4) U Yilmaz, A Tatlisen, H Turan, F Arman, O Ekmekcioglu. The effects of fluoxetine on several neurophysiological variables in patients with premature ejaculation. Journal of Urology 161: 1 (JAN 1999):107-111.

5) M Fava, MA Rankin, JE Alpert, AA Nierenberg, JJ Worthington. An open trial of oral sildenafil in antidepressant-induced sexual dysfunction. Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics 67: 6 (NOV-DEC 1998):328-331.

6)CG McMahon, K Touma.Treatment of premature ejaculation with paroxetine hydrochloride.International Journal of Impotence Research, 1999, Vol 11, Iss 5, pp 241-245.

Checked  5/1/17