Friday, July 26, 2024
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Maximum Heart Rate Formula

Many exercise programs and tests used to measure heart function are based on an unreliable MAXIMUM HEART RATE formula that predicts the fastest your heart can beat and still pump blood through your body. Although this formula is the golden standard used today, it is not based on science.

Isometric Exercise

Can you become very strong by doing isometric exercises in which you push against something that doesn't move, such as a wall? The single...

Sit Ups for Belly Strength

Sit ups strengthen your belly muscles, provided that you know how to do them. Lie on your back with your knees bent with...

Does stress increase your need for vitamins?

Several years ago a major drug company claimed that its vitamin pills helped to relieve stress from the "complications of everyday life" and gave their products names such as "StressTabs." The New York Attorney General forced them to stop their deceptive advertising, but many people still remember and believe this claim.


Orthotics are special custom arch supports that help to absorb shock and prevent foot pain. To see if orthotics are likely to help you, ask your podiatrist to strap your foot with a special taping procedure called a low-dye strap. If this reduces the pain, you probably will benefit from custom orthotics.

Lifting Weights Won’t Make You Musclebound

Training for strength improves coordination. Your brain is a master switchboard that coordinates your muscles. Lifting weights does not interfere with brain function; it improves coordination in events that require strength, such as playing sports, working as a carpenter, opening a stuck door or beating a drum.

Super Slow Training

Moving a weight very slowly in sets of ten causes the same amount of damage as moving a much heavier weight rapidly, and causes the same type of muscle damage. Lifting lighter weights slowly is far less likely to cause injuries than heavy lifting.

Muscle Stimulating Machines

Advertisements on television claim that you can wrap a special belt around your belly, plug it into an electric outlet, turn on the electricity,...

Spot Reduction Doesn’t Work

You'll see lots of exercise programs, devices and machines in television commercials that claim to get rid of fat from your belly. While...

Build Muscle and Improve Balance with T’ai Chi

T'ai Chi can help older people improve balance, which can protect them from falling and breaking their bones. It is also a safe...